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The Answer is Easter 2015

Posted on April 5, 2015


The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus happened across the lines of three days - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Each one of those three days serves as a perfect representation of what life is really all about.  For example, on Friday, the day of his death, there were feelings of suffering, pain, and agony.  Saturday was the day of doubt and confusion.  Now Sunday was different.  Sunday was a day of joy and victory.  All of these feelings happened in a period of just three days!  
This morning Pastor Brad will attempt to make the connection that each one of us will face these three days over and over again in our lifetime. During these days there are three question that begin to surface.  They are...
1.  What do I do in my days of suffering and pain?
2.  How do I get through my days of doubt and confusion?
3.  How do I get to my days of joy and victory?
The answer to all three is Easter.