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Mythbusters Part 1

Posted on October 5, 2014

Urban legends have been around for years and they have the ability to be circulated as truth.  However, with careful investigation these urban legends are often discovered to be untrue or at best, severely distorted.  The same can be said of our Bible.  There have been numerous statements made by people which suggest that they came from our Bible, when in fact, they are not contained in God's Word at all.  For example, "God helps those who help themselves." Although it sounds appealing, you will not find these words anywhere in our Bible. The sad thing about Biblical urban legends is that they have the ability to mislead us in the wrong direction as it relates to God.  Similar to someone misquoting you, God's Word must be protected so that people have God's Word in its purest form.

In the first message of our series, Pastor Brad will be exposing an all too common statement made by Christians that is not found in our Bible. Perhaps you have even shared this statement with someone, or someone has shared it with you.
Myth to be Busted:  "God will never give you more than you can handle."
This verse has often been confused with Paul's letter to Corinth in which Paul writes,
"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13).
It's important to note that Paul is referring to "temptation." Namely, God would never put you in a place that you couldn't resist the temptation. In every case, we should be able to escape temptations and endure each one.  However, as it relates to life in general, we have numerous verses throughout the Bible that states that we will not have enough human strength to make it through every trial (2 Corinthians 1:8; Psalm 38:4,8; 1 Kings 19:7).
Two Problems with this Quote
1. The Bible doesn't say it (support it)
2. Our life experiences don't support it.